Design inspired by your local bread baking half-elf.



Heya! Thanks for taking the time and checking out my carrd and stuff! There's a lot ahead of you, so please read anything important (usually in red!), otherwise, skim, speed read, or read it all! I won't stop you. Anyway, I'm open to both private and public RP!
I prefer it gone through /t, /em, or /party (in that order.)
Read more in #ooc on this subject!
Sorry-not-sorry, but Mare is probably going to be required if you want to RP with me, I have various reasons for this.(Scenes involving ERP or otherwise 'sus' themes will not be broadcast in public channels.)

Things will definitely change overtime, so be sure to check back!

A Creature From the Void..

This Wolfgirl is the offspring of pure Aether and Voidsent trickery. She was not a Miqo'te turned or tricked by a Voidsent, just simply a Voidsent in herself. She is definitely different than most of her kin, however. She appeared in the wild someplace in Othard, tail, ears, and unique body markings all on display. At this time she was barely more than a primal being looking to survive and she didn't know anything of the world or it's people; her IQ was hardly higher than a common beast. She made the creatures of the forest very calm in her presence, even if they were predators.

Overtime she explored deep in the forests away from humankind, learning about herself and the world she just appeared in. Most animals were attracted to her, friendly, even looked to her for protection at times.

A few years later a Doman couple came upon her by a waterfall deep in wilds where most of man haven't been. They were shocked for the most part, at first they thought she was a lost Miqo'te, but as they got closer they soon realized she was something else entirely. They weren't sure how to approach her, but even so, they pressed on—slowly. Kiyoko heard their soft footsteps as they were within about a dozen feet away and she slowly looked over with her deep, glowing purple eyes, ears lying flat to her head. She was still very naked as the day she appeared; so you can imagine that the two wanders were blushing, and quite embarrassed as they muttered out a few words to try and communicate with the girl. She's never seen their humankind before, but she didn't fail to see the similarities. Her skin was like theirs, they had hair like hers, stood upright, and so on.. She approached them rather casually and began to inspect them both; rather.. intrusively. They spoke but she didn't reply, she didn't know how- let alone know their language. After a few days and of being taught their language and how to communicate, she has learned a great deal exceptionally quickly. The two wanderer's tried to tell her about clothing and to cover ones privates, but she didn't understand at a base level. The concept was beyond her. Eventually, the couple decided to leave, they gave the raven haired Okami a name, "Kiyoko." They left her some gifts, and what food they had extra's of, as sort of offering. In the following years, time would tell of a curious wolf-like woman deep in the forests of Othard.

Years after the last calamity, Kiyoko still keeps to herself away from most of society— but every now and then people come looking for her in all sorts of places around the known world because of rumors. What she does with those wanders.. no one knows. Perhaps they get a wish granted? Perhaps they find love.. or fortune?Only you will know, adventurer.

Some Info on This Sly Kitsune..

Age: ???
Apparent Age: 18
Race: Voidsent Okami
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Unknown
Eyes: Purple
Hair: Black (Can change at will)
Skin: Pale / Smooth Complexion / Black Marks on Face
Classes: ?̸͙̘͎͕̌̔̅?̴̟͉̤̝͖͆̂?̵͉̉
Occupation: ?̸͙̘͎͕̌̔̅?̴̟͉̤̝͖͆̂?̵͉̉
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Voice: Bubbly/High/Soft
Personality: Cutesy, Oblivious, Curious, unpredictable..
Accent: Naturally Heavy Eastern (Can mimic/learn very quickly)
Languages: Common, Doman,?̸͙̘͎͕̌̔̅?̴̟͉̤̝͖͆̂?̵͉̉
Aether/Magic Potential: Healing and Trickster Magicks - Overwhelmingly Powerful

Habits / Traits• Extremely unpredictable manner.
• Primal thoughts and actions take over her when she's put into sexual scenarios. She can jarringly change in an instant.
• She tends to be quite aggressive to get what she wants.
• She is very oblivious to many, many things in the world.
• Her fluffy ears and tail(s) are sensitive.. Dare not touch..
• She can shapeshift into a Fox Kit.. and other things..
Likes/Dislikes• She loves being given fresh feeshy or other small aminals/rodents.. Raw.
• She loves Sushi/Sashimi, but doesn't understand it.
• MILK!! ♥
(More soon)

Out of Character Information

So I guess I'll start with that I've been playing FFXIV for a few years now. I started way back on primal as a Miqo'te, on a trial account. I quit shortly after that, then came back and made an Au Ra girl also on primal; that I played on for a good bit. Eventually I stopped playing there due to boredom and lack of interesting people— minus my small friend group. I came to Balmung awhile ago, and made another Miqo'te (Who is now a FemRa in canon; God I love Au Ra), and well.. that's Kiyoko! My main that I've sunk way too many hours into.I'm a pretty chill person, I love all sorts of games- some of which may surprise you. I'm a fucking emo, and listen to old bands like C&C, ADtR, SOAD, Slip, FIR, BB, BFMV, PtV , BvB, BtF , BLACKPINK, MiW, and many more. But I also like Joyner Lucas, Eminem, Little Dicky, (snort) just, all sorts of shit really. Uhmmm.. Yeah! If you wanna know more, ask I guess.Thanks for reading, dork.

I'm very much into "Normal" RP as I am in ERP.
• I AFK a LOT. If I don't respond sometimes, that's more than likely why.
• I'm a fantasia addict.. → Can I have it? ←
• I probably sound nothing like you'll imagine me being.
• Uhh, I'm a girl? Weird.
• I'm over 21.
• I keep all E/RP in-game between characters | Do not try to bring ERP OOC.
• I'm very approachable.
• When my switch is flipped, I'm kind of an entirely different person.
• I make friends fairly easily, so don't be fooled by my appearance or the way I talk sometimes.
One thing I hate: Do not just start RP with me unless I have the RP tag on! You will be either ignored or turned down. Otherwise, feel free to just /tell and chill with me.


Below is just some general idea's of what you could expect from writing. It is by no means a "have to" or anything like that. Just some simple hooks to let you get a feel for the character or pop some idea's in your head.Or we could just use one below! That's why they're there after all!

"Guardian" of the Forest..

Maybe you're wandering deep in the woods, lost, or just exploring for curiosity's sake until you notice a strange pair of ears, matched with an even stranger pair of eyes staring at you from behind a small bush.. You can tell it's not a wild animal.. but you've never seen such a creature before..What do you do?

Seek your Desires..

You've heard rumors.. You've heard legends.. There is whispers of some Wolf Spirit that will grant you any wish you desire; if you dare try and find her..Maybe the Namazu know of her.. Heh.. no, probably not..What was that noise..?!

Tricksy Voidsent..

Minding your own business, you take a walk through town. Maybe going to the market for some fresh produce or, maybe just going home. But then, you suddenly hear shouting in the distance, as you grow closer, you notice a small girl with an exceptionally fluffy tail run by giggling; dashing and hopping away from her pursuers. Weird, but.. it happens, right? Wait.. she was carrying raw.. steak in her jaws? Before you knew it, a bright lavender flash! Then nothing. She was gone!Will you try and track down the little thief?

The following page is completely optional.I hornypost a lot, let's be honest, but ERP is not my main focus believe it or not. I am more than likely into a lot more shit than you, especially when it comes to the darker things.I do not do one-off's. Those days are long behind me, and I don't plan on bringing that back unless you're extremely lucky and I'm bored enough. Sorry, but figure out a hook and make the E/RP canon for all parties, otherwise, stick to regular RP.Pervert.Do not enter if under the age of 18.
(Currently unavailable.)









